The Generativity Solution The Generativity Perspective:
1. The Financial Crisis

Posted by Bob on October 28th, 2008

The Global Financial Crisis is not at all a financial crisis. It is a psychological “avoidance mechanism” to disguise the stupidity of so-called thinkers who neglected the basic ingredients of economic growth:

  • Invention by not supporting the generative research of the R&D function;
  • Innovation by narrowing the developmental effort to things like the power and speed of IT components;
  • Investment by conspiring to redefine the function of finance from support to “the generation of wealth.”

Yes, the financial crisis is a “Crisis in Thinking.” Those who indulged in these degenerative activities would simply rather be “bailed out” than be exposed as stupid.

Indeed, these “overdetermined crises” took away all of our pride in the rights and responsibilities of enlightened citizenship, entrepreneurial enterprise, and collaborative cultural relating.

To be sure, all perpetrators converged to become what science labels “depressor variables” in “The Equation for Prosperity, Participation, and Peace:”

  • The neutralization of Entrepreneurial Capitalism;
  • The nullification of Enlightened Governance;
  • The excavation of Cultural Relating.


  1. John McIntosh Says:

    Dear Bob, I commend you for having the insight to understand the true nature of our current economic predicament and the guts to state it plainly. Sadly, we are up against deeply entrenched interests that are far more interested in pursuing the failed policies of the last few decades then they are at facing truth. Then again, we really cannot expect those who have prospered from a distortion of sound economic principles to change anything. The lawmakers, the news media and the financial wizards are nothing more than a three-ring circus trying to pass themselves off as “leaders” with the right solution. Who in their right mind would consider the creation of a new bubble as the “right solution” to the latest bubble? I for one plan to learn all I can from your writings and those of others so I can share it with who ever will listen. My hope is it is not too late.

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