Freedom Scores for Candidates:
4. No Entrepreneur Gets Ahead!

Posted by Bob on December 13th, 2007

The third critical ingredient or dimension that has been related to America’s greatness has been Free Enterprise Economics. Historically, the metaphor that represents America’s greatness on this dimension has been “The Entrepreneur,” the uniquely American version of the innovative driver of American capitalistic economics.

Again, “listening with the third ear, here is what I hear from the Republican candidates:

“When I am president, I will continue to side with Big Businesses because they are here to stay and ‘Trickle Down Economics’ really work. The Gates’ Model ensures the stability of the marketplace: ‘The only thing I am afraid of is two guys in a garage’ (think the Wright Brothers!) We will hunt those little guys down and make them offers they can’t refuse: ‘Join big or get out!’ After all, there are 23 million of them and their numbers alone may get large enough to challenge the Multinationals. Just think about it! These small guys produce 90 percent of the new jobs for employees who are going to join the Democratic Party. Stick with the Big Boys! Make alliances with the Bad Boys! That will get us back in the pack in the 21st century.”

Finally, here is the Democratic candidates’ positioning on economics:

“When I am president, I will continue to side with the poor and the down-trodden because, like Jesus says, they will always be with us and our children will never want for a political or social service job. The Alinsky model works for us: ‘Continuous Class Conflict keeps the down-fallen stirred up and the up-starts falling down.’ The only ones we’re really afraid of are those pesky entrepreneurs who generate 80 percent of the innovation in the marketplace. We can prevent them from getting leverage by denying them support, regulating their patent application (HR 1908), and taxing their benefits because, after all, all these guys want anyway is to make enough money to join the Republican Party and vote against the poor folk whom we represent. That’s the way we Democrats maintain leadership: “Give them more—keep them poor!”

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