The American Tsunami:
2. Normal Curves and Monoliths

Posted by Bob on September 7th, 2007

The fundamental assumption of The Probabilities Sciences that dominate our civilization in all areas is this: that all phenomena are normally distributed. Normal curves are “Bell-Shaped” curves (see Figure 2).


Figure 2. Normal Curve

As may be noted, the curve rises from minimal frequencies to converge in great numbers at maximal frequencies, and then attenuates again to minimal frequencies of distribution. Some measure (mean, medium, mode) of the maximal frequency of distribution is considered the central tendency of the curve. All phenomena are represented by their degree of deviation from the central tendency.

This assumption has been of great service to civilization. The “tolerances” of tools and machines are calculated by their deviation scores. The “quality control” of products and services is dictated by deviation scores. Indeed, “functionality” of people is estimated by some measure of their deviation from the central tendency.

For example, the “Standards of Learning” of “No Child Left Behind” legislation are calculated by the individual child’s deviation scores from some central tendency of the entire population. Sadly, when teachers begin the school term in the Fall, they observe their students in order to estimate where they will fall on the curve. James Brown said it best in his music:

“If you’re white, you’re all right.
“If you’re black, step back.
“If you’re brown, hang around.”

Unfortunately, the assumptions of normal distribution are false and the implications of their applications may be disastrous.

Nothing in God’s natural universes was created to distribute normally!

Normalcy dictates Monoliths!

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